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How Is Your Spelling?

I'm not a fan of spelling tests. As a teacher, I also hated them. Especially for the young children I taught - what is the point of rote learning spelling words, when the technology they have no choice but to grow up with, will do it for them? I would have much preferred using the time for creativity.

However, now under my Green Heart umbrella, I do plan to teach spelling to adults and children. Let me explain....

Words have power. And, we are often surrounded by 'positive affirmations' - random phrases plastered on notebooks, receipts, mugs, office name it. But, do they help us? I've seen so many cute videos on social media with teacher reciting positive affirmations and kids repeating them. Although, we have to remember for some children (and adults) this can be detrimental - because what if we're encouraging them to repeat 'I am powerful' when they feel like they have no power in their lives. Don't get me wrong, I do like positive affirmations but I believe in autonomy around them and teaching those that want to use them how they can be of use to us.

So back to spelling. To me, words are like spells and must be used with intention. There are lots of articles about the old origins of the word such as it meaning 'utterance', 'to speak' or 'to signify' as well as 'spel' from the word 'gospel' meaning, good tale. So, how about the next time we think about some meaningful affirmations for ourselves or encourage children to think of some for their own lives, we do it with deep intention as if we were casting a beautiful spell for ourselves.

Besides, what is life without a little magic?

Green Heart Love,



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